Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The fight to stop the slaughter of wolves

::BREAKING NEWS::The Fight to Stop the Wolf Slaughter Has Just Begun Dear Peter, This morning, just after the delisting of the northern Rockies'gray wolves from the endangered species list was made official,Earthjustice leapt into action to serve the U.S. Fish andWildlife Service with a 60-day notice of our intent to file alawsuit to stop the wolf slaughter. This notice of intent isusually required by the Endangered Species Act as a precursor tolegal challenges. The premature decision by the USFWS to strip the protections ofthe ESA from the wolves promises to undo the progress of recentyears. Independent scientific analysis tells us that even theircurrent population of 1,500 is well below the numbers needed toensure long-term survival of the species. This tragicallymisguided decision will allow Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana tokill all but 300 wolves. Earthjustice is not going to just stand by and let that happen. The USFWS under President Bush has decided to ignore science infavor of handing the state governments a license to slaughterthe wolves for political gain. If the Bush administration failsto take action to correct this shameful misuse of science within60 days, Earthjustice will immediately and aggressively moveforward with what we do best -- using the courts to ensure thatour nation's environmental laws are upheld. Our courts are thelast chance for protecting wolves... and Earthjustice has thelegal expertise necessary to challenge this slaughter Thank you for joining us as we rise to this challenge. Staytuned for updates as this story unfolds. Sincerely, Trip Van NoppenPresident, Earthjustice P.S. Please consider supporting our work to protect the wolvesby making a gift today:

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